Davis Ng

Davis completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) at the University of Sydney and found his calling in the private practice sector of physiotherapy gaining experience in a couple of clinics before joining our team.

Davis believes excellent results are achieved through the use of hands-on physiotherapy techniques and exercise prescription, as well as in-depth education helping his patients understand the nature of their pain and injuries and the global biomechanics associated with their problem. Davis applies evidence-based practice and provides individualised treatment plans for his patients so that he can help them achieve their goals and return to their activities whether it be in the context of sport or exercise goals, work, or simply returning to normal activities of daily living.

Clinically Davis is interested in assisting people with musculoskeletal conditions such as neck and back pain, and he is also passionate about managing acute sports injuries. The experience of sustaining an ACL injury at sport himself has also allowed Davis to understand the physical and mental impacts caused by injury, but has sparked an interest in pre and post-op rehabilitation, and conservative management of injuries. Davis doesn’t only focus on helping his patients to get rid of their pain, but also emphasises on finding the root causes or addressing the risk factors to assist with the prevention of re-injury and pain recurrence.

Davis has been involved in a variety of sports and he has competed in rowing, basketball, and soccer leagues. He has provided physiotherapy sports coverage for soccer, netball and Rugby Union teams. In his spare time, Davis enjoys weights training in the gym, playing music and watching movies. He is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.


Lawrence Lin | Practice Principal - Rhodes


Harrison Smith | Physiotherapist