What Is Physiotherapy? Remove and Manage Pain.

It's no secret that physiotherapists are on the forefront of injury prevention. But did you know that they can also help you heal from injuries? Physiotherapy is an effective way of managing pain, restoring function and preventing injury.

Whether it's a sports injury, a workplace accident, or something else entirely, it's important to get the right treatment as soon as possible. And thankfully, there are many options available at Function PCP.

We've got a team of expert Physiotherapists who specialize in sports injuries, headaches and migraines, post-surgical rehabilitation and much more! They'll work with you to determine what's causing your pain and the best way to treat it. Then they'll create a personalized plan that will help you recover faster so you can get back on your feet without wasting time in the waiting room.

What types of Physiotherapy do we provide at Function PCP?

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a treatment technique whereby a sterile, single-use, fine filament needle (acupuncture needle) is inserted into the muscle to assist with decreasing pain and improving function through the release of myofascial trigger points (knots in the muscle). 

Every patient is unique, and everyone needs their own treatment plan. Here we can use dry needling as a modality that can allow muscle releases, blood circulation, muscle activation, and increased lymphatic drainage. We use dry needling as part of the treatment, meaning that everyone still needs an assessment and a treatment plan.

Functional Movement Screening

Injuries can never be fully predicted. You can never tell when or how someone will get injured. It can, however, be anticipated. Functional Movement Screening (FMS) is a very helpful tool in determining how prone an individual is to injury.

It locates weaknesses by identifying imbalances and asymmetries in movement patterns and uses that to single out where the weaknesses lie. Once that’s identified, our clients can strengthen these areas, drastically reducing the risk of injury in them, making them proactive in injury prevention instead of reactive to injury. 

Combined with physiotherapeutic intervention, it’s the perfect package for proactive injury prevention and muscle healing, strengthening and recovery. So not only can you reduce the risk of injury, with physical therapy the programme focuses on healing the injuries that have already occurred.

Women’s Health Physio

Women's Health Physios have an in-depth understanding of the female anatomy and how to help women through the different life stages. These include help with exercising during pregnancy, or returning to exercise after pregnancy. If you are suffering from bladder or bowel incontinence regardless of age, or if you are suffering from lower back or pelvic pain during pregnancy. 

Using an ultrasound machine we can help retrain your pelvic floor muscles postpartum with real-time feedback. This then helps us form an exercise program that can be completed at home or in conjunction with our clinical Pilates programs. We may use some equipment such as taping, belts, compression tights, pessaries or therabands to help with our rehabilitation.

If this sounds like something beneficial for you, or someone you know, check out ur website details for more info on how you can get started today!


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