5 Quick And Easy Pilates Exercises For Beginners

If you're just getting started with Pilates, it can be a little overwhelming to take on all of the exercises that are available—especially when you're just starting out. Here are five quick and easy exercises that will help you get your body moving!

#1 Pelvic Curl

This exercise improves spinal articulation, and will activate and strengthen the hamstrings and abs.

1. Start by laying on your back, with knees bent. Knees and heels are about sit- bone distance apart. Arms are long, and pressing into the mat beside your hips.

2. Inhale pause, then exhale: Engage your low abdominals, drawing your pelvis underneath you. The goal is to tuck your pelvis without the use of your glutes. You want your low back to feel light as a feather when it touches the mat.

3. Begin to engage your glutes, and articulate through the spine, the hips moving upward until your body is in a straight line between knees and shoulder blades.

4. Inhale pause, breathing through your ribs. Find stability through your center and down into arms and legs.

5. Exhale, and begin to drop your sternum — melting into the mat one vertebrae at a time. If you notice your lumbar (low back) is tight, or have a hard time articulating, tap into your low abdominal curl and release the glutes as your approach the mat

#2 Chest Lift

This is a great workout for the core, toning and sculpting your abdominal muscles!

1. Lying on your back, knees bent, legs together. Interlace your fingers and place them behind your head. Press your head lightly into your hands, and find your elbows in your peripheral view. Bring energy to the inner thighs.

2. Inhale to prepare, and exhale to lift the head, neck and chest. Eyes looking toward your thighs. Try to curl up just until you feel the tip of your shoulder blades leave the mat.

3. Inhale to pause, breathing through the ribs; Exhale to lower back to the mat.

#3 Single-leg Circles

1. Lay down on the mat, shoulders down, ribs down, and extend your right leg straight up to the sky, with the left leg bent, foot flat on the floor.

2. Circle your right leg across your body to your left shoulder, then back around to your right shoulder, stop at your nose. Focus on keeping abdominals scooped in.

3. Repeat five times, then reverse, and switch legs.

#4 Criss Cross

You’ll work your entire midsection with this simple move.

1. Lay on your back, knees pulled into your chest, hands supporting the base of your head 

2. Extend your right leg straight in front of you, as your left leg remains bent. 

3. Twist towards your left leg, holding for three counts.

4. Switch, extending your left leg straight, pulling your right knee into your body. 

5. Spiral your chest towards the right knee, holding for three counts. Repeat twice. 

6. Then, do the move faster for four more full rotations (once on each side).

Quick Tip! Having trouble lifting your head? Try rolling up a towel and placing it under your neck.

#5 Double Leg Core

This exercise helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles!

1. Lie flat on your back. Inhale as you extend your legs and arms to 90 degrees, drawing your belly button into your spine and pressing your heels together. 

2. Circle your arms as you exhale, reaching forward then out to the sides, keeping your tailbone down and hips to the floor, then hug your knees into your chest, resting your hands on your ankles. 

3. Repeat 6-10 times.


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